Club dress rules

To maintain the high standards enjoyed in our club we require the dress rules to be abided by.

The following dress is not permitted at any time:

Singlets or sleeveless shirts, untidy or dirty clothes, beanies or hoodies, offensive or obscene clothing, bare feet, headwear.

Not permitted after 9:

Thongs, football shorts, overalls, dirty work boots, dirty work clothing.

Note: obscene or offensive language or clothing will not be tolerated

Appearance must be clean, neat and tidy at all times. Management’s decision shall be final in all matters relating to dress and behaviour.


Under the Registered Clubs Act the following persons may be admitted as temporary members of the club if the rules of the club so provide:

  • A person whose ordinary place of residence is in New South Wales and is more than 5 kilometres from the registered club.
  • A person who is a member of another registered club with similar objects to those of this club.
  • Any member of another registered club who is attending this club for the purpose of taking part in an organised sport or competition as provided in section 30(10) of the Registered Clubs Act.
  • Registered clubs can admit temporary members (other than those who are admitted pursuant to Section 30(10)) for up to seven days, for up to seven days, or up to 30 days with the approval of the Casino, Liquor and Gaming Control Authority.

Section 30(10)

The rules of a registered club (in the subsection referred to as “the host club” shall, unless its rules provide that the provisions of this subsection do not apply to that club, be deemed to include a rule that a full member of any other registered club who, at the invitation of the governing body or of a full member of the host club, attends on any day at the premises of the host club for the  purpose of participating in an organised sport or competition to be conducted by the host club on that day shall be a temporary member of the host club from the time of that day when he or she so attends the premises of the host club until the end of that day.

Definition of a guest

“Guest” in relation to a full member, a provisional member or an honorary member of a club, means a person:

  • whose name and address, countersigned by the member are entered in a register kept for the purpose by the club; and
  • who, at all times while on the club premises, remains in the reasonable company of the member; and
  • who does not remain on the club premises any longer than a member.